Ruang Sastra Untuk Pendidikan Indonesia

Friday, 28 October 2016

 Pembelajaran  Aktif yang OK

Pembelajaran Aktif merupakan sebuah konsep pembelajaran yang dipandang sesuai dengan tuntutan pembelajaran mutakhir. Oleh karena itu, setiap sekolah seyogyanya dapat mengimplementasikan dan mengembangkan pembelajaran aktif ini dengan sebaik mungkin. Dengan merujuk pada gagasan dari Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang Kemendiknas (2010), berikut ini disajikan sejumlah indikator atau ciri-ciri sekolah yang telah melaksanakan proses pembelajaran aktif ditinjau dari aspek: (a) ekspektasi sekolah, kreativitas, dan inovasi; (b) sumber daya manusia; (c) lingkungan, fasilitas, dan sumber belajar; dan (d) proses belajar-mengajar dan penilaian.


Prestasi belajar peserta didik lebih ditekankan pada ”menghasilkan” daripada ”memahami”.
Sekolah menyelenggarakan ajang ‘kompetisi’ yang mendidik dan sehat.
Sekolah ramah lingkungan (misalnya; ada tanaman atau pohon, po bunga, tempat sampah)
Lebih baik lagi jika terdapat produk/karya peserta didik yang mempunyai nilai artistik dan ekonomis/kapital untuk dijual.
Lebih baik jika ada pameran karya peserta didik dalam kurun waktu tertentu, misalnya sekali dalam satu tahun.
Karya peserta didik lebih dominan daripada pemasangan beragam atribut sekolah.
Kehidupan sekolah terasa lebih ramai, ceria, dan riang.
Sekolah rapi, bersih, dan teratur.
Komunitas sekolah santun, disiplin, dan ramah.
Animo masuk ke sekolah itu makin meningkat.
Sekolah menerapkan seleksi khusus untuk menerima peserta didik baru.
Ada forum penyaluran keluhan peserta didik.
Iklim sekolah lebih demokratis.
Diselenggarakan lomba-lomba antarkelas secara berkala dan di tingkat pendidikan menengah ada lomba karya ilmiah peserta didik.
Ada program kunjungan ke sumber belajar di masyarakat.
Kegiatan belajar pada silabus dan RPP menekankan keterlibatan peserta didik secara aktif.
Peserta didik mengetahui dan dapat menjelaskan tentang lingkungan sekolah (misalnya, nama guru, nama kepala sekolah, dan hal-hal umum di sekolah itu).
Ada program pelatihan internal guru (inhouse training) secara rutin.
Ada forum diskusi atau musyawarah antara kepala sekolah dan guru maupun tenaga kependidikan lainnya secara rutin.
Ada program tukar pendapat, diskusi atau musyawarah dengan mitra dari berbagai pihak yang terkait (stakeholders).


Kepala sekolah peduli dan menyediakan waktu untuk menerima keluhan dan saran dari peserta didik maupun guru.
Kepala sekolah terbuka dalam manajemen, terutama manajemen keuangan kepada guru dan orang tua/komite sekolah.
Guru berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam proses belajar.
Guru mengenal baik nama-nama peserta didik.
Guru terbuka kepada peserta didik dalam hal penilaian.
Sikap guru ramah dan murah senyum kepada peserta didik, dan tidak ada kekerasan fisik dan verbal kepada peserta didik.
Guru selalu berusaha mencari gagasan baru dalam mengelola kelas dan mengembangkan kegiatan belajar.
Guru menunjukkan sikap kasih sayang kepada peserta didik.
Peserta didik banyak melakukan observasi di lingkungan sekitar dan terkadang belajar di luar kelas.
Peserta didik berani bertanya kepada guru.
Peserta didik berani dalam mengemukakan pendapat.
Peserta didik tidak takut berkomunikasi dengan guru.
Para peserta didik bekerja sama tanpa memandang perbedaan suku, ras, golongan, dan agama.
Peserta didik tidak takut kepada kepala sekolah.
Peserta didik senang membaca di perpustakaan dan ada perilaku cenderung berebut ingin membaca buku bila datang mobil perpustakaan keliling.
Potensi peserta didik lebih tergali serta minat dan bakat peserta didik lebih mudah terdeteksi.
Ekspresi peserta didik tampak senang dalam proses belajar.
Peserta didik sering mengemukakan gagasan dalam proses belajar.
Perhatian peserta didik tidak mudah teralihkan kepada orang/tamu yang datang ke sekolah.


Sumber belajar di lingkungan sekolah dimanfaatkan peserta didik untuk belajar.
Terdapat majalah dinding yang dikelola peserta didik yang secara berkala diganti dengan karya peserta didik yang baru.
Di ruang kepala sekolah dan guru terdapat pajangan hasil karya peserta didik.
Tidak ada alat peraga praktik yang ditumpuk di ruang kepala sekolah atau ruang lainnya hingga berdebu.
Buku-buku tidak ditumpuk di ruang kepala sekolah atau di ruang lain.
Frekuensi kunjungan peserta didik ke ruang perpustakaan sekolah untuk membaca/meminjam buku cukup tinggi.
Di setiap kelas ada pajangan hasil karya peserta didik yang baru.
Ada sarana belajar yang bervariasi.
Digunakan beragam sumber belajar.


Pada taraf tertentu diterapkan pendekatan integrasi dalam kegiatan belajar antarmata pelajaran yang relevan.
Tampak ada kerja sama antarguru untuk kepentingan proses belajar mengajar.
Dalam menilai kemajuan hasil belajar guru menggunakan beragam cara sesuai dengan indikator kompetensi. Bila tuntutan indikator melakukan suatu unjuk kerja, yang dinilai adalah unjuk kerja. Bila tuntutan indikator berkaitan dengan pemahaman konsep, yang digunakan adalah alat penilaian tertulis. Bila tuntutan indikator memuat unsur penyelidikan, tugas (proyek) itulah yang dinilai. Bila tuntutan indikator menghasilkan suatu produk 3 dimensi, baik proses pembuatan maupun kualitas, yang dinilai adalah proses pembuatan atau pun produk yang dihasilkan.
Tidak ada ulangan umum bersama, baik pada tataran sekolah maupun wilayah, pada tengah semester dan / atau akhir semester, karena guru bersangkutan telah mengenali kondisi peserta didik melalui diagnosis dan telah melakukan perbaikan atau pengayaan berdasarkan hasil diagnosis kondisi peserta didik.
Model rapor memberi ruang untuk mengungkapkan secara deskriptif kompetensi yang sudah dikuasai peserta didik dan yang belum, sehingga dapat diketahui apa yang dibutuhkan peserta didik.
Guru melakukan penilaian ketika proses belajar-mengajar berlangsung. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menemukan kesulitan belajar dan kemungkinan prestasi yang bisa dikembangkan peserta didik dan sekaligus sebagai alat diagnosis untuk menentukan apakah peserta didik perlu melakukan perbaikan atau pengayaan.
Menggunakan penilaian acuan kriteria, di mana pencapaian kemampuan peserta didik tidak dibandingkan dengan kemampuan peserta didik yang lain, melainkan dibandingkan dengan pencapaian kompetensi dirinya sendiri, sebelum dan sesudah belajar.
Penentuan kriteria ketuntasan belajar diserahkan kepada guru yang bersangkutan untuk mengontrol pencapaian kompetensi tertentu peserta didik. Dengan demikian, sedini mungkin guru dapat mengetahui kelemahan dan keberhasilan peserta dalam kompetensi tertentu.


Sumber: Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang Kemendiknas. 2010. Panduan Pengembangan Pendekatan Belajar Aktif; Buku I Bahan Pelatihan Penguatan Metodologi Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa. Jakarta.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Mindset Pendidikan 2016 yang Tanya

Mindset Pendidikan 2016 yang Tanya

MENINGGALKAN kegelapan pendidikan pada 2015 ialah sebuah keharusan. Saya sepakat dengan Anies Baswedan, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan kita, bahwa persoalan pendidikan terlalu banyak untuk diselesaikan dalam waktu yang singkat. Namun, setidaknya keyakinan untuk membangun mindset baru harus terus dilakukan karena sejatinya pendidikan merupakan upaya untuk menjadikan setiap orang memiliki daya nalar yang kritis sekaligus karakter yang kuat. Jika mindset pendidikan kita sepanjang 2015 penuh dengan kegelisahan menyangkut kebijakan pendidikan yang kurang responsif mengikuti kehendak dan kemampuan masyarakat, harapan terhadap mindset perubahan pendidikan pada 2016 harus dimulai.

Setidaknya, ada dua kebijakan penting yang telah diambil Kemendikbud menyangkut perubahan mindset pendidikan kita. Pertama adalah penundaan implementasi Kurikulum 2013 yang belum sempurna dan perlu untuk dievaluasi penahapan implementasinya, terutama pada cara melatihnya terhadap guru dan esensi penilaian yang terbilang ruwet dan perlu pembiasaan yang berkelanjutan. Dalam konteks implementasi Kurikulum 2013, saya menilai sebenarnya tidak terlalu signifikan perubahannya jika unit analisis pelatihannya tetap difokuskan pada guru sebagai individu, sebagai pengampu bidang studi.
Kebijakan kedua yang diharapkan juga mampu mengubah mindset para pelaku pendidikan di tingkat sekolah adalah diubahnya orientasi pelaksanaan UN dari yang sebelumnya menjadi penentu kelulusan siswa, dengan mengembalikan hak dan tanggung jawab guru dan sekolah sebagai penentu kelulusan siswa-siswi mereka. Kedua kebijakan ini jelas signifikan untuk mengubah mindset dan orientasi pendidikan kita yang harus lebih besar lagi memercayai prosesnya daripada hasilnya. Belum lagi persoalan kekerasan di sekolah yang angkanya masih tetap tinggi, bisa jadi merupakan rentetan dari persoalan implementasi kurikulum dan standar penilaian jenis UN yang menyebabkan terjadinya kekerasan serta ketidakjujuran di sekolah.
Strategi implementasi
Kedua kebijakan tersebut, dalam jangka menengah perlu ditindaklanjuti dengan strategi implementasi yang memadai agar perubahan mindset benar-benar terjadi. Karena itu, tak bisa dimungkiri, diperlukan strategi kebudayaan dan pembudayaan yang pas dan tepat guna bagi perubahan mindset kependidikan kita dalam konteks rencana implementasi kurikulum baru dan penumbuhan budaya sekolah yang sehat dan positif.
Jika kebudayaan ialah sumber energi kehidupan manusia, semisal air, pendidikan ialah saluran tempat ke mana air harus mengalir. Keduanya tak mungkin kita pisahkan sampai kapan pun juga. Karena itu, menjadi tuntutan kita untuk memasukkan strategi kebudayaan dalam rencana implementasi kurikulum baru serta menumbuhkan budaya sekolah, terutama ketika para guru akan lebih banyak untuk berinteraksi secara kreatif untuk meningkatkan kompetensi sikap siswa.
Dalam konstelasi rencana penahapan implementasi Kurikulum 2013, strategi kebudayaan jelas harus ditubuhkan dan ditumbuhkan secara sekaligus ke dalam relung jiwa setiap guru, terutama ketika proses belajar-mengajar berlangsung di ruang kelas. Bagaimana caranya? Jika granddesign kurikulum baru adalah penubuhan dan penumbuhan sikap siswa untuk menjadi manusia yang berbudaya dan berkeadaban, proses berlangsungnya suasana belajar-mengajar jelas memerlukan sebuah pendekatan yang kreatif dan menyenangkan. Di sinilah sebenarnya kebutuhan how-to secara praktis perlu dipikirkan secara komprehensif oleh semua stakeholder pendidikan.
Secara praksis, penting untuk memperkenalkan modelmodel pembelajaran berbasis kreativitas (creative learning) bagi guru-guru kita sebagai strategi implementasi kurikulum baru. Dalam pembelajaran berbasis kreativitas, guru dapat diperkenalkan dengan teknik-teknik berpikir kreatif serta jenis-jenis hambatan psikologis (mental blocks) dalam berpikir kreatif. Pendekatan lain yang juga memungkinkan untuk meningkatkan cara berpikir kreatif guru ialah memperkenalkan guru dengan system thinking in school-nya Peter Senge.
Selain kemampuan berpikir kreatif, guru juga perlu dibekali dengan strategi pembelajaran kreatif berbasis budaya lokal dan nasional. Ada begitu banyak pendekatan yang bisa diadaptasi guru agar proses pembelajaran dapat berlangsung secara kreatif dan menyenangkan. Tools atau alat yang mungkin digunakan untuk menciptakan pembelajaran kreatif ialah sejenis cara berpikir sebab akibat (causal loops), pembelajaran tematis, behavior over time graphs (BOTG’s), stock and flows, EELDRC (enroll, experience, label learning, demonstrate, review, celebrate), dan narrative chains. Problemnya ialah, adakah skenario ini dalam rencana implementasi Kurikulum 2013?
Metode dan alat-alat yang disebutkan di atas, jika dirancang dalam sebuah modul yang bertanggung jawab pasti dapat menjadi jembatan bagi upaya menumbuhkan sekaligus menubuhkan budaya dan tradisi siswa yang lebih mandiri dan berkarakter. Dalam jangka panjang, tentu saja kemampuan inilah yang diharapkan diadaptasi Kemendikbud sebagai alasan pengembangan
Kurikulum 2013 yang terdiri dari kemampuan berkomunikasi, berpikir jernih, dan kritis. Selain itu, mempertimbangkan segi moral suatu permasalahan, menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab, kemampuan mencoba untuk mengerti, dan toleran terhadap pandangan yang berbeda. Kemampuan hidup dalam masyarakat yang mengglobal, memiliki minat luas dalam kehidupan, memiliki kesiapan untuk bekerja, memiliki kecerdasan sesuai dengan bakat/minatnya, serta memiliki rasa tanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan.
Sekali lagi, jika diamati secara saksama, rencana Kurikulum 2013 ini bagi saya harus kuat mengagendakan penguatan kapasitas sekolah dalam rangka menumbuhkan budaya sekolah yang sehat. Budaya sekolah yang sehat hanya dapat dibangun melalui strategi kebudayaan yang tepat dengan cara memberikan guru pelatihan dan workshop yang menunjang kemampuan ber pikir kritis, menyelenggarakan pembelajaran yang kreatif, serta memahami struktur filosofis grand-design kurikulum baru yang lebih berorientasi pada penanaman karakter yang kuat terhadap peserta didik.
Penting untuk diingat, selama lebih dari tiga dekade, perubahan kurikulum di Indonesia selalu bersifat top-down approach. Yin Cheong Cheng dalam Effectiveness of Curriculum Change in School: An Organizational Perspective (1994), mengingatkan agar perubahan kurikulum bisa berlangsung setidaknya di tiga level, yakni individu guru, kelompok, dan sekolah. Karena itu, strategi kebudayaan dalam pendidikan kita juga seyogianya memasukkan agenda seperti perbaikan manajemen sekolah, memberlakukan kurikulum berbasis sekolah, serta membiarkan sekolah memiliki strategi implementasi kurikulum berdasarkan perencanaan pengembangan sekolah yang sesuai dengan visi dan misinya ialah sebuah keniscayaan. Dibutuhkan workshop penguatan kapasitas leadership guru dan manajemen sekolah dalam proses implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Dengan ini semua, semoga harapan Kemendikbud agar terjadi perubahan mindset di lingkungan pendidikan kita akan terwujud.

Membangun Tradisi Nalar-Kritis Guru

Membangun Tradisi Nalar-Kritis Guru

SUDAH umum diketahui bahwa hasil uji kom petensi guru (UKG) sejak 2012 hingga 2015 bergerak stagnan sebagai pertanda rendahnya mutu guru, baik secara pedagogis maupun akademik. Meskipun di beberapa daerah ada guru yang menonjol dan berprestasi, rerata kualitas guru di Tanah Air masih menyedihkan. Belum lagi, jika hal itu diikuti dengan pengamatan langsung di tingkat sekolah melalui serangkaian pelatihan, sangat terlihat bahwa guru-guru kita kebanyakan ialah `pegawai’ sekolah yang kurang memahami filosofi dasar mengajar dan hanya melihat profesi guru sebagai pekerjaan semata.
Kondisi semacam itu tentu saja tak bisa dibiarkan jika kualitas pendidikan kita ingin bergerak maju. Kebutuhan pelatihan guru yang berpangkal pada kebutuhan dasar pengajaran berkarakter harus dilakukan melalui serangkaian strategi yang tepat, sesuai, dan aplikatif di tingkat sekolah.Ada banyak sekolah, negeri dan swasta, yang memiliki tradisi pelatihan yang membangun tradisi nalar-kritis guru melalui program pengembangan kapasitas yang siklus dan keberlanjutannya dilakukan sendiri oleh pihak sekolah.
Tiga komponen
Dalam pengalaman Sekolah Sukma Bangsa (SSB), pelatihan guru merupakan kebutuhan dominan yang harus dilakukan sekolah, minimal sekali dalam sebulan. Materi pelatihan ditentukan berdasarkan peta evaluasi kemampuan guru yang mencakup kecakapan profesi, pedagogis, kepribadian, dan sosial yang diperoleh secara periodik melalui laporan konselor, kepala sekolah, dewan guru, dan evaluasi siswa. Data itu kemudian diolah tim pengembang kurikulum untuk menentukan desain kebutuhan pelatihan guru yang sesuai dengan peta kemampuan guru.
Ada tiga komponen utama yang sedari awal harus dipahami guru ketika akan mengajar.Pertama ialah menggali kemampuan profesi dan kepribadian guru melalui pengenalan gaya belajar siswa (learning style). Pengetahuan dan pemahaman guru terhadap gaya belajar siswa di banyak sekolah sangat memprihatinkan-untuk tidak menyebutnya sama sekali tak dipahami secara baik. Apalagi, ketika diakses melalui serangkaian tes, sangat terlihat kemampuan guru mengaplikasikan gaya belajar siswa sebagai basis membangun strategi belajar yang tepat bagi anak-anak terlihat masih sangat miskin dan kurang inovatif.
Mengenali keberbakatan anak melalui peta gaya belajar menurut saya merupakan pengetahuan dasar yang harus dipahami guru, termasuk bagaimana cara memetakan gaya belajar itu dari hari ke hari. Dalam pelatihan, keterampilan membuat instrumen kesiapan belajar siswa (assessment for learning) merupakan keharusan di SSB untuk meningkatkan daya nalar dan kritis guru terhadap kondisi siswa secara utuh. Pendampingan terhadap kemampuan guru ini menjadi domain wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum untuk selalu memantau dan mengevaluasinya.
Komponen kedua yang menurut saya juga penting untuk dilatihkan secara terus-menerus ialah memetakan kemampuan gaya mengajar (teaching style) guru berdasarkan tradisi belajar yang telah diperolehnya selama di perguruan tinggi. Ada banyak guru yang paham definisi kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik, tapi ketika gaya mengajar ini dibenturkan dengan gaya belajar siswa, hampir semua guru merasa kesulitan karena di perguruan tinggi gaya mengajar hanya dipelajari dalam konteks pengetahuan semata tanpa ada keterkaitan dengan proses mengamati gaya belajar siswa. Dibutuhkan instrumen yang baik untuk mengajari guru agar memahami secara sekaligus antara gaya belajar dan gaya mengajar.
Saya menemukan begitu banyak guru yang mengetahui gaya kognisi, afeksi, dan psikomotorik dalam balutan rumus A1, C2, P2 dan seterusnya.
Namun, ketika digunakan dalam praktik belajar mengajar di kelas, itu sama sekali tak terlihat dampaknya terhadap siswa. Pemahaman gaya mengajar dengan cara ini malah membawa guru terperosok jauh ke tradisi nalar statis yang sangat formalistis. Selain kemampuan profesi dan kepribadian tak terasah, pe ngenalan gaya mengajar secara salah dan serampangan jelas akan membawa guru pada rutinitas mengajar yang sangat kaku dan miskin inovasi.
Komponen ketiga yang juga penting untuk membangun tradisi nalar kritis guru ialah mengenalkan mereka secara aplikatif teori belajar (learning theories) yang sesuai dengan gaya mengajar mereka dan gaya belajar siswa. Pada tahap ini, jika dilakukan simulasi secara kreatif melalui sebuah skema perputaran antara gaya belajar siswa, gaya mengajar guru, dan pemahaman terhadap teori belajar yang pas, dapat dipastikan kemampuan nalar kritis siswa akan meningkat. Dalam waktu yang bersamaan, hal ini jelas akan berdampak juga pada kemampuan nalar kritis siswa. Meskipun ada begitu banyak teori belajar, jika diskemakan dan dipertautkan dengan gaya belajar dan mengajar, menurut pengalaman SSB, itu justru akan meningkatkan kemampuan instingtif guru untuk cermat dalam memilih teori belajar yang sesuai.
Mempertautkan gaya belajar, gaya mengajar, dan teori belajar dalam satu tarikan napas program pelatihan guru di tingkat sekolah jelas akan meningkatkan tradisi nalar kritis guru. Di dalam pelatih an, guru menjadi terbiasa dan familier untuk membuat mind-map ketiga komponen itu dalam rangkaian persiapan mengajar. Misalnya, ketika guru menyadari lebih banyak siswa mereka yang memiliki gaya belajar auditoris, mereka bisa bereksperimen menggunakan gaya mengajar yang mengandalkan aspek kognisi dengan pendekatan teori belajar behavioristik. Ketika dituangkan ke mind-map, terlihat ada begitu banyak inisiatif dan inovasi yang memungkinkan untuk dilakukan guru dalam proses belajar-mengajar di kelas.
Tak ada yang lebih menyenangkan selain menyaksikan para guru selalu memiliki beragam cara, strategi dan pendekatan, hingga metode dan media belajar yang juga beragam ketika mengajar di kelas. Mereka tak lagi mengandalkan rumus-rumus membuat lesson-plan atau RPP yang biasanya sangat kaku dan hanya berlaku untuk diri mereka sendiri, tetapi abai melibatkan gaya belajar siswa-siswa mereka yang sangat beragam dan dinamis.


Cara Belajar Ala Finlandia: 45 Menit Belajar, 15 Menit Istirahat

Tahukah kamu bahwa untuk setiap 45 menit siswa di Finlandia belajar, mereka berhak mendapatkan rehat selama 15 menit? Orang-orang Finlandia meyakini bahwa kemampuan terbaik siswa untuk menyerap ilmu baru yang diajarkan justru akan datang, jika mereka memilliki kesempatan mengistirahatkan otak dan membangun fokus baru. Mereka juga jadi lebih produktif di jam-jam belajar karena mengerti bahwa toh sebentar lagi mereka akan dapat kembali bermain.
Di samping meningkatkan kemampuan fokus di atas, memiliki jam istirahat yang lebih panjang di sekolah juga sebenarnya memiliki manfaat kesehatan. Mereka jadi lebih aktif bergerak dan bermain, tidak hanya duduk di kelas. Bagus juga kan jika tidak membiasakan anak-anak dari kecil untuk terlalu banyak duduk.



  1. Kurikulum 2013 adalah Kurikulum yang ke-10, kurikulum di Indonesia telah berganti-ganti sebanyak 9 kali. ( filosofinya, banyak kurikulum akan menyehatkan badan…. kayak minum obat saja )
  2. Kurikulum 2013 diterapkan sejak Senin 15 Juli 2013. ( namanya juga K13 ya dimulai tahun 2013. Sayangnya mereka lupa bahwa 13 itu angkan keramat…. )
  3. Kurikulum 2013 dihentikan pada Jumat 5 Desember 2014. ( Lho koq cepet amat mas…. )
  4. Sudah 3 tahun berjalan tertatih-tatih, belum terlihat hasil yang signifikan, masih membingungkan dan cenderung membosankan. ( Gue kate juge ape….. )
  5. Dana yang dihabiskan untuk implementasi 7 T lebih. ( Wuihhhh …. angka apa itu ?? )
  6. Pengintegrasian mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) kedalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. ( Bertentangan dengan scientific ! )
  7. Penghapusan Mata Pelajaran TIK & KKPI tanpa adanya satupun alasan yang rasional. ( ya No Problemo lah…. lihat saja 3 tahun ke depan … )
  8. K13 akan mengurangi beban Jam belajar siswa, kenyataannya ? di semua jenjang beban ditambah. ( Kerja, kerja, kerja …. capek deh… )
  9. kekacauan dalam memahami kompetensi disiplin ilmu dengan kompetensi karakter, yang tidak akan mungkin dibereskan dengan berjalannya waktu karena sistem pemikiran yang mendasarinya sudah salah sejak awal. Pemaksaan integrasi antara kompetensi pendidikan karakter, yang diredusir pada pendekatan kerohanian dan sikap, serta kompetensi disiplin ilmu (pengetahuan dan keterampilan) melahirkan untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah kurikulum nasional proses agamanisasi kurikulum.
( Untuk lembar penilaian observasi, komponen sikap yang harus dinilai oleh guru adalah tanggung jawab, jujur, peduli, kerja sama, santun, percaya diri, dan disiplin. Guru harus mengamati tujuh sikap agar dapat mengisi setiap kolom penilaian. Apabila dalam satu kelas guru memiliki 30 siswa, berarti ada 210 kolom yang harus diisi oleh guru untuk menilai kompetensi sikap siswa. Mungkinkah guru mampu mengisi secara mendalam penilaian sikap ini dalam dua atau tiga jam tatap muka ?
Persoalannya bukanlah apakah guru mampu atau tidak menilai sikap siswa. Akan tetapi, kecenderungan memasukkan penilaian spiritual dan sikap dalam setiap tatap muka melalui indikator-indikator yang tidak dapat dikuantifikasi inilah yang membuat proses pembelajaran justru jauh dari rel utamanya, yaitu akuisisi ilmu pengetahuan.
Ada dua kemungkinan sikap guru terkait proses penilaian sikap. Guru lebih mengutamakan proses pembelajaran untuk penguasaan materi pelajaran dan mengesampingkan proses penilaian spiritual dan sikap, atau jika ingin mengutamakan keduanya, akhirnya pendalaman materi pembelajaran yang terabaikan.
Banyak guru memilih mengutamakan pembelajaran ketimbang sibuk mengamati perilaku spiritual dan sosial siswa. Akibatnya, penilaian sikap spiritual dan sosial yang dianggap sebagai kekuatan Kurikulum 2013 hanya menjadi formalitas tanpa isi. )
  1. Usaha untuk spiritualisasi semua mata pelajaran. Alhasil, setiap mata pelajaran akan dinilai keberhasilannya berdasarkan terpenuhinya Kompetensi Inti 1 (sikap spiritual), Kompetensi Inti 2 (sikap sosial), Kompetensi Inti 3 (pengetahuan), dan Kompetensi Inti 4 (keterampilan). Kompetensi Inti 3 dan 4 sesungguhnya sudah ada dalam kurikulum sebelumnya. Praktis tidak banyak perubahan. Yang menjadi persoalan adalah bagaimana menilai kompetensi spiritual dan sosial dalam setiap mata pelajaran ?
( Penilaian kompetensi spiritual dalam Kurikulum 2013 sering kali ditandai indikator yang sangat ritualistik dan reduktif, seperti siswa berdoa sebelum memulai dan mengakhiri pelajaran, atau indikator aneh, seperti siswa dapat bersyukur atas anugerah bahasa Indonesia. Bagaimana menilai rasa syukur seperti ini ? )
Kekacauan dalam implementasi Kurikulum 2013 bukanlah semata-mata persoalan teknis, seperti masalah percetakan dan distribusi buku dan belum berhasilnya program pelatihan guru, melainkan karena pijakan teoretis-konseptual Kurikulum 2013 tidak kokoh dan secara praksis pun bermasalah.
Akibatnya, pendidikan hanya menjadi bahan kampanye politisi, entah mengatasnamakan revolusi mental atau apa pun. Namun, ketika tiba waktunya untuk mengoreksi kekeliruan fundamental ini, mereka tak berani mengambil sikap. Alih-alih mencoba memahami mengapa implementasi Kurikulum 2013 gagal, ‘mereka’ lebih suka memilih zona aman dengan argumentasi pinggiran yang jauh dari persoalan utama Kurikulum 2013.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Coffee VS Pregnancy

Coffee VS Pregnancy

 For many couples, the child is a gift that God entrusted to be maintained and cared for. Children also become the desire of many people who are already married. That is why the news of the pregnancy would be a happy news to celebrate.

That is also why pregnant women are required to maintain the condition that the content of the bad things that are not desirable as miscarriages occur. One factor that could increase the likelihood of miscarriage is from food and beverages. And it turns out, the drinks that many people enjoy these include considerable danger.

According to a recent study, drinking caffeinated coffee a height of 2 times a day in the weeks before giving birth it could increase the potential for miscarriage until doubled. The potential of miscarriage is also increased if the mother is more than 2 servings of caffeinated coffee during the first 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Caffeine is already known to increase the likelihood of miscarriage in previous health studies, but which became the new news in this study is the coffee consumption in men was also a factor affecting the health of his wife.

It is not yet known exactly why caffeine increases the likelihood of miscarriage, allegedly caffeine possibility of turning off some genes or certain qualities in sperm. However, the researchers are confident that excessive caffeine consumption is not good for the womb.

Coffee drinking habits before pregnancy also affects pregnancy. So should you stop coffee consumption if they plan to become pregnant. Prepare the body first to be free of caffeine, keep body weight and multiply nutrients from food.

However, the content of each woman's condition is different. Although not mean that coffee can make you a miscarriage just like that, but it helps you pay attention to the consumption of coffee from now. Please be healthy yes ladies.

How To Overcome Cholesterol

How To Overcome Cholesterol

If you go to the doctor and he tells you your cholesterol levels, you are usually told TOTAL cholesterol in your blood. Have you ever wondered how the entry of cholesterol into your blood? Some cholesterol is absorbed by the body comes from the food you eat.
Why does the body NEED cholesterol?
The human body needs cholesterol to make hormones important one of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. In addition, cholesterol is part of the protective membrane that surrounds nerves and other cells. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is shaped like substance.
Any food that contains cholesterol?
Food of animal origin are the ONLY foods containing cholesterol. Such as meat, cheese, milk, etc. Foods derived from plant-based foods is NOT contain cholesterol. Actually, there are a number of factors that affect your blood cholesterol levels. But food is an important factor that a greater role in raising cholesterol levels in the blood.
Before buying food are encouraged to read food labels beforehand to see whether the food is low in cholesterol or not. How do you know if the product is low in cholesterol? Dikemasan usually written in INFORMATION NUTRITIONAL VALUE, the food is low-fat or not.
Instructions for cholesterol per serving:
1. Free Cholesterol - The percentage of less than 2 mg of cholesterol and less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat
2. Low Cholesterol - Less than or equal to 20 mg of cholesterol and less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat
3. Reduced OR Less Cholesterol - At least 25% less cholesterol than the original and less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat
Saturated fats increase levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood.
Unsaturated fat levels are actually lower than the levels of LDL cholesterol. In addition to cholesterol-lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol, polyunsaturated fats also lower levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
For maximum benefit and effectiveness, you should continue to eat foods low in fat and cholesterol and keep exercising.
Medically speaking, doctors have been using medications to control blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as "antihyperlipidemic agent". One example of traditional medicine that can be used to lower blood cholesterol levels, namely: water decoction of bay leaves, bay leaves only used for flavoring dishes because it has flavonoid and tannin substances which can serve to lower cholesterol.
Five Things You Need To Know About High Cholesterol
1. High Cholesterol You Can Be Cause of Death you.
High cholesterol is a risk factor that is most significant for coronary heart disease. To prevent this, find out now if you have high cholesterol. If your cholesterol level is high, you can take steps to lower it.
2. Does Your Body Need Some Cholesterol
3. How Much You Have Cholesterol?
If you do not know your blood cholesterol level, you need to check it out. So if your cholesterol level is 800, it means you have 800 milligrams of cholesterol in every tenth of a liter of blood. And that means you have very high cholesterol levels. Because normal cholesterol level is 200 mg / dL.
4. There are 3 Kinds of Cholesterol.
Total cholesterol consists of three types of cholesterol:
- LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol.
- Cholesterol HDL, or good cholesterol, and
- VLDL cholesterol (which is not considered so important).
Doctors recommend that you keep your LDL cholesterol levels below the cholesterol level of 100 mg / dL, and HDL above 40 mg / dL.
5. You Can Reduce Your High Cholesterol.
To reduce total cholesterol, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating less fat and eat more foods that are high in fiber (such as oatmeal, for example) and exercise, for example aerobic improve our cardiovascular function.
Cholesterol is a danger of the Invisible.
Cholesterol is nothing more than an association of steroids, lipid and alcohol were found in the cell membranes of all body tissues. It is transported into the blood and can be found in all animals. Cholesterol has the chemical formula C27H45OH cholesterol.
Many things have been said about cholesterol. Some doctors only recommend free diet foods that contain cholesterol and some of the others are still allowed to eat food with cholesterol albeit with a certain level.
LDL and HDL: what's the difference?
LDL (low density lipoprotein) and HDL (high density lipoprotein) is a type of cholesterol. Each with a different role, but they are all the same.
LDL cholesterol is commonly called "bad cholesterol" because high levels of LDL can lead to coronary disease. HDL is considered "good cholesterol". Remember that the higher the levels of LDL and lower HDL levels can cause arteriosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), while keeping a low level of LDL cholesterol and high HDL helps prevent that happening.
People are always worried about the level of normal cholesterol levels. Here is a simple guide to cholesterol:
 Total cholesterol: should be kept below 200
 LDL cholesterol: should be kept below 130
 HDL cholesterol: should be kept 60 or higher
The most important thing about cholesterol, ignoring all these figures, it should be done by simply keeping under 200.
Some Things You Can Prevent High Cholesterol
People can do several things to prevent high cholesterol from occurring and to reduce cholesterol levels if they are already high:
1. Frequent Sports
2. Stop smoking
3. Avoid Junk Food
4. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
5. Drink tea juices and soft drinks INSTEAD
6. Avoid alcoholic beverages
7. Lose weight if you are overweight or obese.

The most important thing to do is to keep cholesterol under control. Proverb says that "Prevention is better than cure".
Environmental education
Environment and human life is a component interdependencies. Environment consists of biotic and abiotic environment. Biotic environment is an environment that consists of a community of living organisms, such as plants and animals. While of an environmental abiotic environment is composed of inanimate objects, such as light, temperature, air, water, soil, minerals and moisture. Humans need the environment to support daily activities and human environments require that the results of the environment can be best utilized. Therefore, because the environment is very important for humans, the humans must preserve it and use it wisely. For that, people need to be equipped for Environmental Education from an early age in order to properly treat the environment around it. This is also confirmed by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of National Education (MONE) and Ministry of Environment (MOE) in 1996 and then revised in June 2005. The signing of the MOU is significant as an attempt to seek how the love of the environment can be as a charge of education for students of students from an early age in formal education. Because all composed or structured from the start, is expected to provide results or achievement of better environmental management.
   There are different kinds of understanding of Environmental Education (EE). According to the convention of UNESCO in 1997, the Environmental Education is a process that aims to create a global community with a concern for the environment and the problems associated therein and has the knowledge, motivation, commitment and skills to work both individually and collectively in seeking or provide alternative solutions to environmental problems that exist now and to avoid environmental problems of life.
    According to Yusuf (1994) Environmental education is a process of developing an appreciation of the interdependence between human and biophysical and auxiliaries that terbina attitudes and values ​​would memelihra harmonious relationship between the components of the environment.
    Then according Soeriatmadja in 1997, Environmental education is a process that aims to develop an awareness of humanity will be living environment with all the problems contained therein. Thus, we can conclude the understanding of Environmental Education (EE) is a process that has the aim to create a society that is aware of the environment by taking into account environmental problems that occur and can provide solutions to overcome them.
  Environmental Education (EE) also has a vision and mission. Vision for Environmental Education is the realization of human beings who have the knowledge, awareness and skills to play an active role in rangkaa preserving and improving the environment. While the mission of the Environmental Education, among others:
• Develop a national education policy paradigm of the environment
• Improving access to information evenly environmental education
• Increase synergies between actors of environmental education
• Develop institutional capacity for environmental education
     Environmental education is directed to aspects of the attitudes and behavior of student learners to understand the importance of the environment for life and how to love and maintain the environment so that it becomes embedded in their daily lives. With the environmental education is taught, it is expected to encourage and give people an opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that can foster awareness, commitment to protect and improve and utilize the environment wisely, it can also create new patterns of behavior that is friendly to environment and are able to develop environmental ethics.

    Environmental quality has been bad this time was different to the environment at an earlier age. This is a result of increased pertambahn population and rapid technological development. Pollution is everywhere and make people worry about the state of the environment. Seeing the environmental problems that occur when rapidly evolving and complex, expected for Environmental Education is able to contribute to the environmental quality of life better. Keep in mind once again that the environment and human interdependence, need each other. So, people must start from now to more wisely manage the environment so that in the future our children can feel the quality of the environment is good.

Character Education For Success Foundation of Civilization Nation

Character Education For Success Foundation of Civilization Nation

            Character education is now indeed become a major issue of education, in addition to being part of the process of forming the morals of the nation, character education is also expected to become a major foundation in the success of Indonesia Gold 2025. In Kemdiknas own character education becomes the focus of education at all levels of education are dibinannya , Not except in higher education, character education also receive considerable attention, yesterday (1/06) Indonesian Education University (UPI) held a consultation Nasioanal with the theme "Building National Character by the National Perspective". Event held at the meeting hall of this UPI, dibidani by the National Center for Education Pancasila and Insights Nationality UPI.
             In addition to the Deputy Minister of National Education, Prof.dr.Fasli Jalal, Ph.D, also attended as a speaker like Prof.Dr.Mahfud, MD, SH, SU. Prof.Dr.Jimly Asshiddiqie, SH. Prof.Dr.Djohermansyah Djohan, M.A. Prof.Dr.H.Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd. Prof.Dr.H.Dadan Wildfire, M.Hum and Drs. Yadi Ruyadi, M.Sc.
Wamendiknas in this event reveals the importance of character education to the nation, he also explained that the character education are closely and motivated by the desire to realize a national consensus paradigm of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution Consensus is further clarified through Law No. 20 of 2003 on Education System national, which reads "the national education serves to develop the ability and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, is aimed at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. "
From the wording of the article, Wamendiknas revealed that there have been 5 of 8 potential learners implementation very closely with the goal of establishing character education. Stickiness is the basic law of the fundamental importance of the implementation of character education.
Wamendiknas also said that, basically it starts from the formation of character given the nature of the Divine, which later formed the identity and behavior. In the process itself this divine nature dangat influenced by environmental conditions, so that the environment has an significant role in shaping the identity and behavior.
           Therefore Wamendiknas said that the school as part of the environment has a very important role. Wamendiknas recommends that every school and all educational institutions have a school culture, where every school chooses a discipline and the habits of the character that will be formed. Wamendiknas any further notice, so that the leaders and educators that institution can afford to provide role models of the characters.
Wamendiknas also said that character education should not be a formal curriculum, but rather socialized through a learning process. Besides the means-infrastructures, character education has no special infrastructure, because that is needed is the awareness and the process of habituation.
Prihal development itself, Wamendiknas see that local knowledge and education in pesantern can be used as reference material on the development of character education, given the scope of its own ssangatlah comprehensive character education.
The day prior the event held in this UPI (31/05), in the Meeting Room of Commission X, the House of Representatives, held a working meeting which discussed character education. The dirapat present in addition to 25 members of the faction, is Menkokesra, Minister of Education, Minister of Religious Affairs, Minister of Culture, Sports Minister, Wamendiknas, Representative of the Ministry of Interior, as well as first echelon officials relevant ministry.
           In a working meeting was discussed about the readiness of each ministry on the character education. Menkokesra as coordinator of the framers of character education is that every ministry is bound to have programs on character education plan later submitted as material for the birth mengagas decree regarding character education. Menkokesra also said that later this character education will be a joint action in its implementation.

The faction members also see the character education is very important in shaping the character and the paradigm of Indonesian society. Hopefully, character education is not only a search process for national character alone, but as the main mouthpiece of the turning point of civilization's success.

Kids Character Education

Kids Character Education
Kids Character Education - Character is ethics-related behavior and attitudes. Articles of character education to be very important in order to provide an understanding of the children and parents. The development process of character education should start early so that children can have a strong foundation regarding what should be done and what should not be done. Character education is an effective child at the time of children aged 5-11 years. This period became the golden age of the child in developing his personal character. Therefore, parents and teachers should take this time to instill good characters in children.
Pillars of Character Education and Children's Pages
The pillars of character education of children is based on ethical values, namely that everyone could agree on a value system that does not contain elements of political, cultural bias, as well as religious. Several articles
things that can be done to help students become acquainted with educational articles
characters at once understand the pillars of character education can be done in the following way.

Article character education, the first is the confidence (trustworthiness). These values ​​can be inculcated in children by familiarizing behave honestly, should not cheat, plagiarize or steal. Character education placement agencies should be able to teach students to be reliable, is to do what is spoken, has mental to do the right thing, and to build a good reputation and obedient. This value must be instilled confidence in yourself, family, friends, and nations. The second is respect (respect). Children should be taught how to be tolerant of differences, always pay attention to manners, to consider the feelings of others, and respecting others.

Next is the responsibility. Children must be equipped with a high sense of responsibility, namely the master control myself, to think before acting, consider the consequences of his actions, and dare to bear any result that has been done. Furthermore, children should be instilled a sense of caring for others, incapable of being fair, and has a love for the homeland is very high. Articles of character education should reveal some important things to efforts to shape the character.

papers Character Education in Learning CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

Character Education in Learning

1.1 Background

One of the missions to realize the vision of Indonesia's future has included in the Outlines of State Policy which is to realize the system and the educational climate of national democratic and quality in order to strengthen noble character, creative, innovative, insightful nationality, intelligent, healthy, disciplined and responsible, skilled and master of science and technology in order to improve the quality of Indonesian human clearly, the Guidelines mandates the direction of policy in the field of education, namely: improving academic skills and professionals as well as improve the welfare of education personnel so that educators were able to function optimally, especially in improving the education of character and manners in order to restore the prestige of the institution and education personnel; empower educational institutions, both the school and outside the school as the center of civilizing values, attitudes, and abilities, as well as increasing participation of families and communities, supported by adequate infrastructure.
Meanwhile, Act 20 of 2003 on National Education System states that the National Education national Education serves to develop the ability and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, is aimed at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable.
Departing from the above, a formal effort to set conditions, facilities / infrastructure, activities, education, and curriculum that leads to the formation of character and manners of the nation's youth have a strong legal basis. However, the signal is only realized when the moral crisis that hit all levels of society. No exception is also in children of school age. To prevent more severe moral crisis, now those efforts initiated through the education of the nation's character. In granting the national character education in schools, the experts disagree. There are at least three opinions is growing. First, given that the national character education stands alone as a subject. The second opinion, given the national character education in an integrated manner in the subjects of Civic Education, subjects AAMA and other relevant subjects. The third opinion, national character education integrated into all subjects.
In response to the above, the author prefers the third opinion. Therefore in this paper the authors take the title of "Answering the National Character Education Through Integration of Learning Implementation"
1.2. Formulation of the problem
Based on the problems above, the writer makes biodegradable formulation of the problem as follows:
1. Is the National Character Education can be integrated into all subjects?
2 How do I implement the National Character Education has been integrated into all subjects?
3. How does the process of development of National Character Education?
1.3 Scope
The scope of this paper will parse the efforts of schools to develop National Character Education to scrutinize the implementation of National Character Education in integration of learning. The peel more include rationalization of integration, forms of integrated learning, implementation scenarios National Character Education in integration of learning
2.1 Rationalization Integration
Education towards the formation of the national character of the students is the responsibility of all teachers. Therefore, its development must by all teachers. Thus, the less accurate to say that educating students to have a national character only ditimpahkan teachers certain subjects, such as civics teacher or teachers of religious education. Although it is understood that the dominant portion of the nation to teach character education is the teachers that are relevant to the educational character of the nation.
Without exception, all teachers must make himself as exemplary authoritative figure for the students. For it is not going to have any meaning if a teacher teaches Civics solve a problem that is contrary to the democratic way, while other teachers in an authoritarian manner. Or a teacher of religious education students in answering questions in a way that reason is to give an example of the behavior of the Prophet and his companions, while other teachers just say random in answer
Indeed, every teacher must be in accordance with the purpose of education intact. Whole goal of education is much broader than the mission of teaching that is packaged in Basic Competency (KD). The formulation of objectives based on the views of behaviorism and memorization alone is untenable Teachers should be able to open up in developing the approach formulated objectives, because not all the human qualities can be expressed measured by a specific recitation. Therefore, according to (Hasan, 2000) imposition of a development goal in basic competence can not be maintained longer when only refers to the mere memorization.
Results of learning or the learning experience of a learning process can impact directly and indirectly. According to (Joni, 1996) said the direct impact of the teaching of so-called impact instructional (instrucional effects) while the indirect impact of the involvement of students in a variety of learning activities are distinctively designed by teachers called impact Bridesmaids (nurturant effects) Here the authors give an example of learning intact prepared a lesson plan teachers through character.
Subjects: Indonesian
Theme: Environment
Child Theme: Doing something based on the explanations given orally
- Commenting on the figures of children's story presented orally
- Telling a memorable experience with the use of coherent sentences and easy to understand
Class / Semester: IV / 1
Time: 2 X 35 minutes
Instructional impact
Through observation, debriefing, training, and the teacher's explanation about "making a simple letter to a friend" students are expected to:
- Students can explain the instructions to create gauges dust
- Students can make inquiries on how to use
- Students can specify the name and nature of the characters in the stories of animals
- Students can give feedback and reasons of animal characters
- Students can tell natural events through observation image
impact Companion
After completing this lesson, students are expected to gradually develop character
Discipline (Discipline)
Diligent (diligence)
Responsibility (responsibility)
Accuracy (carefulness)
Cooperation (Cooperation)
Tolerance (Tolerance)
Confident (Confidence)
Bravery (Bravery)
From the above examples can be seen that the whole purpose of the learning experience should be able to show the impact of instructional and impact accompanist. Bridesmaids impact is national character education should be developed, can not be reached directly, can only be reached after several learning activities take place. In the assessment of learning outcomes, all teachers will and should measure students' skills in all aspects (Waridjan, 1991). With such a judgment it will be reflected in the actual figure of the whole student. That is, in determining student success must be judged from various domains such as knowledge (cognitive), attitudes (affective) and behaviors (psychomotor). A student who took ujianMatematika in writing, the student actually assessed the ability of reasoning: the ability of Mathematics working on the problems. Also assessed the ability of the character education of his people is the ability to honesty with no cheating and asking friends and this is addressed because such actions are not good. In addition, it assessed the ability of movements, namely the ability to work on the problems with writing exam organized, neat and easy to read (Waridjan, 1991).
In addition to assessment conducted on all of the capabilities at the time of the exam, a teacher may take into account the behavior of students outside the exam. A teacher might not pass a student who took the exam certain subjects because of the behavior of the student daily was less polite, always nosy and likes to do mischief although in doing the test the student's work well without cheat and write down the answers to the exam by writing clear and uncluttered. Therefore, it would be appropriate if in each subject formulated teaching objectives includes the ability in all aspects. That is, in every lesson plan contained's cognitive, affective, and psychomotor; instructional impact; and the impact of accompaniment. Thus, a teacher will assess ability in all aspects of a subject exam legitimately, without a doubt, and can dipertangungjawabkan.
Based on the ideas and principles, it can be understood that the nation's character education requires the integration in learning with all subjects. National character education integrated into all subjects, thus avoiding the "new subjects, a tool of political interests, and rote learning is boring."
2.2. Forms Integrated Learning The Bekarakter
According to Cohen in Degeng (1989), there are three possible variations integrated learning with regard to education conducted in an atmosphere of progressive education that is integrated curriculum (integrated curriculum), the integrated (integrated day), and integrated learning (integrated learning). Integrated curriculum is the integration of various materials to organize the activities of subjects through a cross-cutting themes form a meaningful whole so that the boundaries between different fields of study are not tight or virtually non-existent. Today the integrated form of planning the activities of the students of the class something on a particular day to study or do various activities according to their interests. Meanwhile, integrated learning refers to learning activities that are organized in a more structured contradictory on certain themes or specific subjects as its center point (center core / center of interst).
Furthermore, innovative learning models and integrated that may be adapted, as written by Trianto, 2009, in his book entitled Learning Oriented Innovative Constructivistic is as follows.
(1) Fragmentation
In this model, a separate and distinct discipline developed is an area of ​​a subject
(2) Connections
In this model, within each topic to topic, theme to theme or concept to the concept of the course content is expressly linked
(3) Sarang
In this model, the teacher is targeting a variety of skills (social, thinking, and specialized skills) of each subject.
(4) Circuit / Order
In this model, topic or learning units compiled and sorted in harmony with others. The same idea is given in the same activities while noting the different concepts.
(5) Joint Venture
In this model, planning and learning together in two disciplines concept / idea emerged as a complementary system.
(6) Jala-nets
In this model, a theme / topic that branches linked to the curriculum. By using the theme, look for learning concepts / ideas right.
(7) The string knot
In this model, an approach to establish metakurikuler thinking skills, social intelligence, technique and learning skills through a variety of disciplines.
(8) Integration
In this model, an interdisciplinary approach between the pair of subjects to complement the topics and concepts with several teams of teachers in the model of real integration.
(9) Consolidation
In this model, a discipline became an integral part of the expertise, the learner to capture all the contents through the expertise and experience into the mix.
(10) Network
In this model, learners encompass all learning through the eyes of expertise and create a network of internal relationships leading to external networks of expertise related to the field
2.3. The integration of National Character Education in Learning
National character education in the integration of learning with all subjects goal of integration is the subject matter, delivery procedures, as well as the meaning of the learning experience of the students. Consequences of integrated learning, the students' learning mode should vary according to the character of each student studying variation that can be read reference materials, observation, experiment, interview sources, and so by way of a group or individually.
The implementation of the variation in student performance mode to be supported by a variety of delivery modes lessons by teachers. Habit of delivering lessons exclusively and ekspositorik approach should be developed to a more diverse approach as diskoveri and inquiry. Event information delivery, strengthening of the concept, the disclosure of experiences the students through a monologue by the teacher needs to be replaced with the mode of delivery which is characterized by the active involvement of students both intellectually (significant) and emotional (internalized usefulness) so it is more responsive to efforts to realize the goal of the whole education. With the stock varisai the learning mode, the learning scenarios in which education-related character of the nation as the following example can be implemented more meaningful.
Placement of a national character education integrated with all subjects does not mean no consequences. Therefore, there needs to be a commitment to agreed and addressed carefully as kosekuensi logical. The commitments are as follows. Educational character of the nation (as part of the curriculum) to be integrated in all subjects, in the development process must cover all three dimensions of the curriculum as an idea, curriculum as a document, and the curriculum as a process (Hasan, 2000) of all subjects loaded with character education nation , Furthermore, Hasan (2000) parse that folisifi development ideas with regard to curriculum, curriculum models, approaches and learning theories, approaches or models of evaluation. Development of documents relating to the decision about the type of information and documents that will be generated, form / format Syllabus and curriculum components that must be developed. Meanwhile, the development process with respect to the development on the empirical level as lesson plans, learning in the classroom, and the corresponding evaluation. In order for the development of this process is a continuation of the development of ideas and documents must be preceded by a process of socialization by the people involved in the process, or at least in the process of curriculum development as a document.
In the integrated learning that effective teaching and proceeds as expected there are requirements that must be possessed, namely (a) the foresight of professional teachers in anticipation of exploiting the various possibilities for the direction of the hook that must be done by the students to lead the establishment of linkages conceptual intra or antarmata field of study and (b ) acquisition of material to fields of study that needs to be tied (Joni, 1996). In connection with the national character education as learning integrated with all subjects that are intended landing hooks may be questions to be answered or tasks that must be done by the students that lead to the development of the nation's character education and development of human qualities.
3.1 Conclusions
Based on the theoretical basis and the discussion that decomposes ditas it can be concluded as follows:
1. It is reasonable when the nation's character education in learning is integrated into all subjects. The reasons for that is because it increases the sublime character of students is the responsibility of all teachers, all teachers must be exemplary authoritative, the whole purpose of education is to form the figure of the student as a whole, should cover the impact of educational attainment and impact instructional companion.
2. Implementation of the nation's character education integrated into all subjects, more adequate development in an integrated curriculum model and integrated learning by determining the center core on the subjects to be covered.
3. The process of developing a national character education as an integrated learning should be processed like other kuriklum is as ideas, documents, and processes; professional flair and mastery of subject matter; educational support outside of school; the direction of spontaneous and immediate reinforcement; ratings vary; diffusion, innovation and socialization are commitments that must be accepted and addressed in an integrated learning launching a national character education.
3.2 Suggestions
1. The integration of character education is the educational activity. Character education into the activities expected in discussions, simulations, and the appearance of various school activities for the teacher is expected to be more active in learning
2. The positive school environment helps build character. For that fix the school environment in order to be a positive environment.

3. Teachers must first student discipline will surely follow discipline

Embedding the Character Education through the School and Family

Embedding the Character Education through the School and Family

Education is the most important factor to shape human personality. With education, will form a good personality and a bad man. Education can be done with two systems, namely the system of formal and non formal education. A person's personality can be influenced through school, family, and community. At school through student teaching and learning activities will be implanted character education that will shape their personality. Education can be the planting of eighteen (18) the character values inserted in each subject matter. These values form of religious value, the value of honesty, tolerance, the value of discipline, values of hard work, the creative value, the value of an independent, democratic values, curiosity value, the value of the national spirit, the value of patriotism, appreciate the value of achievement, value friends , the value of peace, love reading value, the value of environmental care, social care value, and the value of responsibility. Values tersbut expected to make learners have a good personality through school subjects.
In addition to the school, the human personality is also developed through education in the family. The family has an important role. Of someone's family will grow character. The family is the first environment for children to learn basic education before continuing further education. Through family also children can recognize themselves and form a personality. This can be done by a process such as acquainted with a family member in the vicinity. Families will be responsible for the preparation of children prior to interact in society. Children in the family will be taught to behave everyday, principled, and the values of life.
The child has an important role for the family. Children become the successor to the survival of the family in the future. To that end, the child's family is given a lesson so that he can develop their potential. The subjects such as religious studies, taught children from praying. With the religious instruction of children are expected to know what a good thing and a bad thing.

Embedding the Character Education in Primary Schools

Embedding the Character Education in Primary Schools

At this time, the character is one thing that is very rare in the community. Because it can be seen from the frequently encountered injustice lies fibers is often done in the community. Both from the lower level to the higher level. The character itself is a way of thinking and behaving become the hallmark of every individual's life work together both at the family level to the state and nation. While individuals who have good character is an individual who is always willing to make decisions and account of the decisions taken. It actually has a good character already exists within every human being from birth. But to keep these characters would have to constantly nurtured from an early age. Through education is one place that can support the formation of a character.
Character education in the elementary school is one of the beginning of the planting of character because it is still in the developing stages in him. Because they can not deny that at this moment the easy generation does not recognize itself as a nation of diverse ethnic, social culture and a different culture - different. Despite the fact that all the elements should be responsible for educating the next generation of characters, the family remains the most important in this regard. But for the moment, perhaps from parental supervision itself is also experiencing difficulties, because a lot of the time these parents have a solid routine. So from that character education is also very necessary given at school. Starting from the park right - right or play group.
That is why the role of the teacher is also spearheading, because they are the one who directly deal with students, and should provide a good example of behaving. What more if it had been included in the primary school, for character education in primary schools is also important. If a teacher fails to grow the characters to their students, who because of a teacher is not able to show the character as someone who embraced. Because being a teacher is not always simply about conveying meteri lessons, but also should be an inspiration and example for the students. If the character of a child that has been formed from childhood to the social environment as an example in primary school, eat later generations of Indonesia will be the generation that has the character to become the nation's next to the community of honest, fair, and responsible. As the words of Dr. Martin Luther King who said that "Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education", which means intelligence character is the ultimate goal of true education.

While character education itself is an education about the character plus, that there are some aspects such as feeling (feeling), knowledge (cognitive), and action (action). And hopefully soon in every primary school in particular can immediately apply the character educators in each school, so that future generations are a lot of smart and feature characters that match the values ​​- noble values ​​of the nation and the State.



Forming student character is not an easy and quick effort. It requires continuous effort and deep reflection to make a series of moral decisions must be followed up with concrete action, so that it becomes practical and reflective. The necessary amount of time to make it into a habit and character development or a person's character.
Besides the declaration of character education is certainly meant to be one of the answers to the diverse problems facing the nation that is currently widely seen, heard, and felt, which is where many problems arise that in the identification comes from the failure of education in injecting values ​​- moral values ​​to their students. This is certainly very appropriate, for the purpose of education is not only intelligent beings who give birth, but also created man of strong character. As Dr. Martin Luther King, namely intelligence character is the ultimate goal of true education.
Many things can be done to realize the character education in schools. The concept of the character is not quite serve as a point in the syllabus and lesson plan in schools, but it must be more than that, run and practiced. Begin by learning to obey the school rules, and enforce that discipline. Schools must make character education as a value system that developed well in school are realized in the examples and real appeal is demonstrated by educators in schools in everyday school activities.
On the other hand, character education is an effort that should involve all interests in education, the family, the school, the school environment, and the wider community. Therefore, the first step that needs to be done is to rebuild educational partnerships and networks that seem to be breaking down between the school environment, namely teachers, families, and communities. Formation and character education will not succeed as long as the educational environment there is no continuity and harmony. Thus, the household and the family as the environment and the formation of the first and main character education must be improved which is further supported by the environment and learning conditions in schools that reinforce the process of formation.
In addition, no less important in public education. Community environment is also greatly affects the person's character. The public environment greatly affects the success of planting values ​​- ethics, aesthetics for the formation of character. According Qurais Shihab, social situations with the value system espoused, influence the attitudes and perspectives of society as a whole. If the system of values ​​and their view is limited to the now and here, the efforts and ambitions are limited to the same thing.

Character education through schools, not only - the learning eye of knowledge per se, but more than that, the planting of moral values ​​- ethics, aesthetics, and a noble character. Additionally characters among which the students need to have cooperation, discipline, obedience, and responsibility. And the important thing is to do with the practice and discipline by every element of the school.