Ruang Sastra Untuk Pendidikan Indonesia

Monday, 18 April 2016

How To Overcome Cholesterol

How To Overcome Cholesterol

If you go to the doctor and he tells you your cholesterol levels, you are usually told TOTAL cholesterol in your blood. Have you ever wondered how the entry of cholesterol into your blood? Some cholesterol is absorbed by the body comes from the food you eat.
Why does the body NEED cholesterol?
The human body needs cholesterol to make hormones important one of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. In addition, cholesterol is part of the protective membrane that surrounds nerves and other cells. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is shaped like substance.
Any food that contains cholesterol?
Food of animal origin are the ONLY foods containing cholesterol. Such as meat, cheese, milk, etc. Foods derived from plant-based foods is NOT contain cholesterol. Actually, there are a number of factors that affect your blood cholesterol levels. But food is an important factor that a greater role in raising cholesterol levels in the blood.
Before buying food are encouraged to read food labels beforehand to see whether the food is low in cholesterol or not. How do you know if the product is low in cholesterol? Dikemasan usually written in INFORMATION NUTRITIONAL VALUE, the food is low-fat or not.
Instructions for cholesterol per serving:
1. Free Cholesterol - The percentage of less than 2 mg of cholesterol and less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat
2. Low Cholesterol - Less than or equal to 20 mg of cholesterol and less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat
3. Reduced OR Less Cholesterol - At least 25% less cholesterol than the original and less than or equal to 2 g of saturated fat
Saturated fats increase levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood.
Unsaturated fat levels are actually lower than the levels of LDL cholesterol. In addition to cholesterol-lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol, polyunsaturated fats also lower levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
For maximum benefit and effectiveness, you should continue to eat foods low in fat and cholesterol and keep exercising.
Medically speaking, doctors have been using medications to control blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as "antihyperlipidemic agent". One example of traditional medicine that can be used to lower blood cholesterol levels, namely: water decoction of bay leaves, bay leaves only used for flavoring dishes because it has flavonoid and tannin substances which can serve to lower cholesterol.
Five Things You Need To Know About High Cholesterol
1. High Cholesterol You Can Be Cause of Death you.
High cholesterol is a risk factor that is most significant for coronary heart disease. To prevent this, find out now if you have high cholesterol. If your cholesterol level is high, you can take steps to lower it.
2. Does Your Body Need Some Cholesterol
3. How Much You Have Cholesterol?
If you do not know your blood cholesterol level, you need to check it out. So if your cholesterol level is 800, it means you have 800 milligrams of cholesterol in every tenth of a liter of blood. And that means you have very high cholesterol levels. Because normal cholesterol level is 200 mg / dL.
4. There are 3 Kinds of Cholesterol.
Total cholesterol consists of three types of cholesterol:
- LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol.
- Cholesterol HDL, or good cholesterol, and
- VLDL cholesterol (which is not considered so important).
Doctors recommend that you keep your LDL cholesterol levels below the cholesterol level of 100 mg / dL, and HDL above 40 mg / dL.
5. You Can Reduce Your High Cholesterol.
To reduce total cholesterol, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating less fat and eat more foods that are high in fiber (such as oatmeal, for example) and exercise, for example aerobic improve our cardiovascular function.
Cholesterol is a danger of the Invisible.
Cholesterol is nothing more than an association of steroids, lipid and alcohol were found in the cell membranes of all body tissues. It is transported into the blood and can be found in all animals. Cholesterol has the chemical formula C27H45OH cholesterol.
Many things have been said about cholesterol. Some doctors only recommend free diet foods that contain cholesterol and some of the others are still allowed to eat food with cholesterol albeit with a certain level.
LDL and HDL: what's the difference?
LDL (low density lipoprotein) and HDL (high density lipoprotein) is a type of cholesterol. Each with a different role, but they are all the same.
LDL cholesterol is commonly called "bad cholesterol" because high levels of LDL can lead to coronary disease. HDL is considered "good cholesterol". Remember that the higher the levels of LDL and lower HDL levels can cause arteriosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), while keeping a low level of LDL cholesterol and high HDL helps prevent that happening.
People are always worried about the level of normal cholesterol levels. Here is a simple guide to cholesterol:
 Total cholesterol: should be kept below 200
 LDL cholesterol: should be kept below 130
 HDL cholesterol: should be kept 60 or higher
The most important thing about cholesterol, ignoring all these figures, it should be done by simply keeping under 200.
Some Things You Can Prevent High Cholesterol
People can do several things to prevent high cholesterol from occurring and to reduce cholesterol levels if they are already high:
1. Frequent Sports
2. Stop smoking
3. Avoid Junk Food
4. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
5. Drink tea juices and soft drinks INSTEAD
6. Avoid alcoholic beverages
7. Lose weight if you are overweight or obese.

The most important thing to do is to keep cholesterol under control. Proverb says that "Prevention is better than cure".

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