Ruang Sastra Untuk Pendidikan Indonesia

Monday, 18 April 2016

Kids Character Education

Kids Character Education
Kids Character Education - Character is ethics-related behavior and attitudes. Articles of character education to be very important in order to provide an understanding of the children and parents. The development process of character education should start early so that children can have a strong foundation regarding what should be done and what should not be done. Character education is an effective child at the time of children aged 5-11 years. This period became the golden age of the child in developing his personal character. Therefore, parents and teachers should take this time to instill good characters in children.
Pillars of Character Education and Children's Pages
The pillars of character education of children is based on ethical values, namely that everyone could agree on a value system that does not contain elements of political, cultural bias, as well as religious. Several articles
things that can be done to help students become acquainted with educational articles
characters at once understand the pillars of character education can be done in the following way.

Article character education, the first is the confidence (trustworthiness). These values ​​can be inculcated in children by familiarizing behave honestly, should not cheat, plagiarize or steal. Character education placement agencies should be able to teach students to be reliable, is to do what is spoken, has mental to do the right thing, and to build a good reputation and obedient. This value must be instilled confidence in yourself, family, friends, and nations. The second is respect (respect). Children should be taught how to be tolerant of differences, always pay attention to manners, to consider the feelings of others, and respecting others.

Next is the responsibility. Children must be equipped with a high sense of responsibility, namely the master control myself, to think before acting, consider the consequences of his actions, and dare to bear any result that has been done. Furthermore, children should be instilled a sense of caring for others, incapable of being fair, and has a love for the homeland is very high. Articles of character education should reveal some important things to efforts to shape the character.

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