Ruang Sastra Untuk Pendidikan Indonesia

Monday, 18 April 2016

Character Education For Success Foundation of Civilization Nation

Character Education For Success Foundation of Civilization Nation

            Character education is now indeed become a major issue of education, in addition to being part of the process of forming the morals of the nation, character education is also expected to become a major foundation in the success of Indonesia Gold 2025. In Kemdiknas own character education becomes the focus of education at all levels of education are dibinannya , Not except in higher education, character education also receive considerable attention, yesterday (1/06) Indonesian Education University (UPI) held a consultation Nasioanal with the theme "Building National Character by the National Perspective". Event held at the meeting hall of this UPI, dibidani by the National Center for Education Pancasila and Insights Nationality UPI.
             In addition to the Deputy Minister of National Education, Prof.dr.Fasli Jalal, Ph.D, also attended as a speaker like Prof.Dr.Mahfud, MD, SH, SU. Prof.Dr.Jimly Asshiddiqie, SH. Prof.Dr.Djohermansyah Djohan, M.A. Prof.Dr.H.Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd. Prof.Dr.H.Dadan Wildfire, M.Hum and Drs. Yadi Ruyadi, M.Sc.
Wamendiknas in this event reveals the importance of character education to the nation, he also explained that the character education are closely and motivated by the desire to realize a national consensus paradigm of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution Consensus is further clarified through Law No. 20 of 2003 on Education System national, which reads "the national education serves to develop the ability and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, is aimed at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. "
From the wording of the article, Wamendiknas revealed that there have been 5 of 8 potential learners implementation very closely with the goal of establishing character education. Stickiness is the basic law of the fundamental importance of the implementation of character education.
Wamendiknas also said that, basically it starts from the formation of character given the nature of the Divine, which later formed the identity and behavior. In the process itself this divine nature dangat influenced by environmental conditions, so that the environment has an significant role in shaping the identity and behavior.
           Therefore Wamendiknas said that the school as part of the environment has a very important role. Wamendiknas recommends that every school and all educational institutions have a school culture, where every school chooses a discipline and the habits of the character that will be formed. Wamendiknas any further notice, so that the leaders and educators that institution can afford to provide role models of the characters.
Wamendiknas also said that character education should not be a formal curriculum, but rather socialized through a learning process. Besides the means-infrastructures, character education has no special infrastructure, because that is needed is the awareness and the process of habituation.
Prihal development itself, Wamendiknas see that local knowledge and education in pesantern can be used as reference material on the development of character education, given the scope of its own ssangatlah comprehensive character education.
The day prior the event held in this UPI (31/05), in the Meeting Room of Commission X, the House of Representatives, held a working meeting which discussed character education. The dirapat present in addition to 25 members of the faction, is Menkokesra, Minister of Education, Minister of Religious Affairs, Minister of Culture, Sports Minister, Wamendiknas, Representative of the Ministry of Interior, as well as first echelon officials relevant ministry.
           In a working meeting was discussed about the readiness of each ministry on the character education. Menkokesra as coordinator of the framers of character education is that every ministry is bound to have programs on character education plan later submitted as material for the birth mengagas decree regarding character education. Menkokesra also said that later this character education will be a joint action in its implementation.

The faction members also see the character education is very important in shaping the character and the paradigm of Indonesian society. Hopefully, character education is not only a search process for national character alone, but as the main mouthpiece of the turning point of civilization's success.

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