Ruang Sastra Untuk Pendidikan Indonesia

Monday, 18 April 2016

papers Character Education in Learning CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

Character Education in Learning

1.1 Background

One of the missions to realize the vision of Indonesia's future has included in the Outlines of State Policy which is to realize the system and the educational climate of national democratic and quality in order to strengthen noble character, creative, innovative, insightful nationality, intelligent, healthy, disciplined and responsible, skilled and master of science and technology in order to improve the quality of Indonesian human clearly, the Guidelines mandates the direction of policy in the field of education, namely: improving academic skills and professionals as well as improve the welfare of education personnel so that educators were able to function optimally, especially in improving the education of character and manners in order to restore the prestige of the institution and education personnel; empower educational institutions, both the school and outside the school as the center of civilizing values, attitudes, and abilities, as well as increasing participation of families and communities, supported by adequate infrastructure.
Meanwhile, Act 20 of 2003 on National Education System states that the National Education national Education serves to develop the ability and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, is aimed at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable.
Departing from the above, a formal effort to set conditions, facilities / infrastructure, activities, education, and curriculum that leads to the formation of character and manners of the nation's youth have a strong legal basis. However, the signal is only realized when the moral crisis that hit all levels of society. No exception is also in children of school age. To prevent more severe moral crisis, now those efforts initiated through the education of the nation's character. In granting the national character education in schools, the experts disagree. There are at least three opinions is growing. First, given that the national character education stands alone as a subject. The second opinion, given the national character education in an integrated manner in the subjects of Civic Education, subjects AAMA and other relevant subjects. The third opinion, national character education integrated into all subjects.
In response to the above, the author prefers the third opinion. Therefore in this paper the authors take the title of "Answering the National Character Education Through Integration of Learning Implementation"
1.2. Formulation of the problem
Based on the problems above, the writer makes biodegradable formulation of the problem as follows:
1. Is the National Character Education can be integrated into all subjects?
2 How do I implement the National Character Education has been integrated into all subjects?
3. How does the process of development of National Character Education?
1.3 Scope
The scope of this paper will parse the efforts of schools to develop National Character Education to scrutinize the implementation of National Character Education in integration of learning. The peel more include rationalization of integration, forms of integrated learning, implementation scenarios National Character Education in integration of learning
2.1 Rationalization Integration
Education towards the formation of the national character of the students is the responsibility of all teachers. Therefore, its development must by all teachers. Thus, the less accurate to say that educating students to have a national character only ditimpahkan teachers certain subjects, such as civics teacher or teachers of religious education. Although it is understood that the dominant portion of the nation to teach character education is the teachers that are relevant to the educational character of the nation.
Without exception, all teachers must make himself as exemplary authoritative figure for the students. For it is not going to have any meaning if a teacher teaches Civics solve a problem that is contrary to the democratic way, while other teachers in an authoritarian manner. Or a teacher of religious education students in answering questions in a way that reason is to give an example of the behavior of the Prophet and his companions, while other teachers just say random in answer
Indeed, every teacher must be in accordance with the purpose of education intact. Whole goal of education is much broader than the mission of teaching that is packaged in Basic Competency (KD). The formulation of objectives based on the views of behaviorism and memorization alone is untenable Teachers should be able to open up in developing the approach formulated objectives, because not all the human qualities can be expressed measured by a specific recitation. Therefore, according to (Hasan, 2000) imposition of a development goal in basic competence can not be maintained longer when only refers to the mere memorization.
Results of learning or the learning experience of a learning process can impact directly and indirectly. According to (Joni, 1996) said the direct impact of the teaching of so-called impact instructional (instrucional effects) while the indirect impact of the involvement of students in a variety of learning activities are distinctively designed by teachers called impact Bridesmaids (nurturant effects) Here the authors give an example of learning intact prepared a lesson plan teachers through character.
Subjects: Indonesian
Theme: Environment
Child Theme: Doing something based on the explanations given orally
- Commenting on the figures of children's story presented orally
- Telling a memorable experience with the use of coherent sentences and easy to understand
Class / Semester: IV / 1
Time: 2 X 35 minutes
Instructional impact
Through observation, debriefing, training, and the teacher's explanation about "making a simple letter to a friend" students are expected to:
- Students can explain the instructions to create gauges dust
- Students can make inquiries on how to use
- Students can specify the name and nature of the characters in the stories of animals
- Students can give feedback and reasons of animal characters
- Students can tell natural events through observation image
impact Companion
After completing this lesson, students are expected to gradually develop character
Discipline (Discipline)
Diligent (diligence)
Responsibility (responsibility)
Accuracy (carefulness)
Cooperation (Cooperation)
Tolerance (Tolerance)
Confident (Confidence)
Bravery (Bravery)
From the above examples can be seen that the whole purpose of the learning experience should be able to show the impact of instructional and impact accompanist. Bridesmaids impact is national character education should be developed, can not be reached directly, can only be reached after several learning activities take place. In the assessment of learning outcomes, all teachers will and should measure students' skills in all aspects (Waridjan, 1991). With such a judgment it will be reflected in the actual figure of the whole student. That is, in determining student success must be judged from various domains such as knowledge (cognitive), attitudes (affective) and behaviors (psychomotor). A student who took ujianMatematika in writing, the student actually assessed the ability of reasoning: the ability of Mathematics working on the problems. Also assessed the ability of the character education of his people is the ability to honesty with no cheating and asking friends and this is addressed because such actions are not good. In addition, it assessed the ability of movements, namely the ability to work on the problems with writing exam organized, neat and easy to read (Waridjan, 1991).
In addition to assessment conducted on all of the capabilities at the time of the exam, a teacher may take into account the behavior of students outside the exam. A teacher might not pass a student who took the exam certain subjects because of the behavior of the student daily was less polite, always nosy and likes to do mischief although in doing the test the student's work well without cheat and write down the answers to the exam by writing clear and uncluttered. Therefore, it would be appropriate if in each subject formulated teaching objectives includes the ability in all aspects. That is, in every lesson plan contained's cognitive, affective, and psychomotor; instructional impact; and the impact of accompaniment. Thus, a teacher will assess ability in all aspects of a subject exam legitimately, without a doubt, and can dipertangungjawabkan.
Based on the ideas and principles, it can be understood that the nation's character education requires the integration in learning with all subjects. National character education integrated into all subjects, thus avoiding the "new subjects, a tool of political interests, and rote learning is boring."
2.2. Forms Integrated Learning The Bekarakter
According to Cohen in Degeng (1989), there are three possible variations integrated learning with regard to education conducted in an atmosphere of progressive education that is integrated curriculum (integrated curriculum), the integrated (integrated day), and integrated learning (integrated learning). Integrated curriculum is the integration of various materials to organize the activities of subjects through a cross-cutting themes form a meaningful whole so that the boundaries between different fields of study are not tight or virtually non-existent. Today the integrated form of planning the activities of the students of the class something on a particular day to study or do various activities according to their interests. Meanwhile, integrated learning refers to learning activities that are organized in a more structured contradictory on certain themes or specific subjects as its center point (center core / center of interst).
Furthermore, innovative learning models and integrated that may be adapted, as written by Trianto, 2009, in his book entitled Learning Oriented Innovative Constructivistic is as follows.
(1) Fragmentation
In this model, a separate and distinct discipline developed is an area of ​​a subject
(2) Connections
In this model, within each topic to topic, theme to theme or concept to the concept of the course content is expressly linked
(3) Sarang
In this model, the teacher is targeting a variety of skills (social, thinking, and specialized skills) of each subject.
(4) Circuit / Order
In this model, topic or learning units compiled and sorted in harmony with others. The same idea is given in the same activities while noting the different concepts.
(5) Joint Venture
In this model, planning and learning together in two disciplines concept / idea emerged as a complementary system.
(6) Jala-nets
In this model, a theme / topic that branches linked to the curriculum. By using the theme, look for learning concepts / ideas right.
(7) The string knot
In this model, an approach to establish metakurikuler thinking skills, social intelligence, technique and learning skills through a variety of disciplines.
(8) Integration
In this model, an interdisciplinary approach between the pair of subjects to complement the topics and concepts with several teams of teachers in the model of real integration.
(9) Consolidation
In this model, a discipline became an integral part of the expertise, the learner to capture all the contents through the expertise and experience into the mix.
(10) Network
In this model, learners encompass all learning through the eyes of expertise and create a network of internal relationships leading to external networks of expertise related to the field
2.3. The integration of National Character Education in Learning
National character education in the integration of learning with all subjects goal of integration is the subject matter, delivery procedures, as well as the meaning of the learning experience of the students. Consequences of integrated learning, the students' learning mode should vary according to the character of each student studying variation that can be read reference materials, observation, experiment, interview sources, and so by way of a group or individually.
The implementation of the variation in student performance mode to be supported by a variety of delivery modes lessons by teachers. Habit of delivering lessons exclusively and ekspositorik approach should be developed to a more diverse approach as diskoveri and inquiry. Event information delivery, strengthening of the concept, the disclosure of experiences the students through a monologue by the teacher needs to be replaced with the mode of delivery which is characterized by the active involvement of students both intellectually (significant) and emotional (internalized usefulness) so it is more responsive to efforts to realize the goal of the whole education. With the stock varisai the learning mode, the learning scenarios in which education-related character of the nation as the following example can be implemented more meaningful.
Placement of a national character education integrated with all subjects does not mean no consequences. Therefore, there needs to be a commitment to agreed and addressed carefully as kosekuensi logical. The commitments are as follows. Educational character of the nation (as part of the curriculum) to be integrated in all subjects, in the development process must cover all three dimensions of the curriculum as an idea, curriculum as a document, and the curriculum as a process (Hasan, 2000) of all subjects loaded with character education nation , Furthermore, Hasan (2000) parse that folisifi development ideas with regard to curriculum, curriculum models, approaches and learning theories, approaches or models of evaluation. Development of documents relating to the decision about the type of information and documents that will be generated, form / format Syllabus and curriculum components that must be developed. Meanwhile, the development process with respect to the development on the empirical level as lesson plans, learning in the classroom, and the corresponding evaluation. In order for the development of this process is a continuation of the development of ideas and documents must be preceded by a process of socialization by the people involved in the process, or at least in the process of curriculum development as a document.
In the integrated learning that effective teaching and proceeds as expected there are requirements that must be possessed, namely (a) the foresight of professional teachers in anticipation of exploiting the various possibilities for the direction of the hook that must be done by the students to lead the establishment of linkages conceptual intra or antarmata field of study and (b ) acquisition of material to fields of study that needs to be tied (Joni, 1996). In connection with the national character education as learning integrated with all subjects that are intended landing hooks may be questions to be answered or tasks that must be done by the students that lead to the development of the nation's character education and development of human qualities.
3.1 Conclusions
Based on the theoretical basis and the discussion that decomposes ditas it can be concluded as follows:
1. It is reasonable when the nation's character education in learning is integrated into all subjects. The reasons for that is because it increases the sublime character of students is the responsibility of all teachers, all teachers must be exemplary authoritative, the whole purpose of education is to form the figure of the student as a whole, should cover the impact of educational attainment and impact instructional companion.
2. Implementation of the nation's character education integrated into all subjects, more adequate development in an integrated curriculum model and integrated learning by determining the center core on the subjects to be covered.
3. The process of developing a national character education as an integrated learning should be processed like other kuriklum is as ideas, documents, and processes; professional flair and mastery of subject matter; educational support outside of school; the direction of spontaneous and immediate reinforcement; ratings vary; diffusion, innovation and socialization are commitments that must be accepted and addressed in an integrated learning launching a national character education.
3.2 Suggestions
1. The integration of character education is the educational activity. Character education into the activities expected in discussions, simulations, and the appearance of various school activities for the teacher is expected to be more active in learning
2. The positive school environment helps build character. For that fix the school environment in order to be a positive environment.

3. Teachers must first student discipline will surely follow discipline

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